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Home » The Recession Is Already Here! Just Ask Americans.

The Recession Is Already Here! Just Ask Americans.

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The media continues to say is the reccession coming but yet the very definition of a recession is being changed. The us govt seems to want a recession but the stock market does not want to hear the dirty word.

Why We Think It’s Here.

Just look at how much money is not in your bank anymore. Food prices are still through the roof the cost of fuel is high in alot of Democrat run states when compared to Republican States.

Interest rates just keep Rising.

Every time the fed raises the Interest rates wall st comes on tv and says we think this will be the last one. We have now heard that how many times?

Wall ST

The big wall street players want americans to think the recession is not here yet because they need more time to sell into these mini pops they create on a weekly basis.

When The Music Stops

The music will stop when big banks and wall st have positioned themselves to benefit from a recession and this day could be closer then alot of people want to admit.


If you feel your money may end up like 2009 all over again maybe we should all get ahead of the coming storm and sell off the risk before wall street leaves us hanging with the bags.

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